Atheists Continue to Attack Me

The Atheists over at the blog continue to attack me- it blows their mind that someone who may have conservative personal beliefs is let anywhere near children. Although they claim to be open to new thoughts and tolerant of anyone, they reveal their typical liberal leanings of intolerance and close-mindedness.

My brother in particular has a problem with something that the nutty Atheists claim. The blogger wrote: ""I find it very amusing that Conservative Teacher would condemn the redistribution of property from those who have to those who have need as "coveting neighbors property" when that's exactly one of the practices of the early Christian community — at least as described in Acts."

This is nothing more than a common lie sputtered by atheist keyboard warriors who have done little research and have spent little time looking into this issue. See here for refutation:

In it, you will see that the testimony of Acts states that while the early Christians in Jerusalem did hold all things in common (4:32), this was a communalism based upon collective need (as a small, despised minority surrounded by a richer and more powerful religious establishment) rather than upon a sense of replacing the established social and economic orders. Further, even though these early Christians were choosing to consider their property as belonging to all, they were yet free to dispose of it entirely as they saw fit, and were still legally and even morally in control of their individual private property.

Hear that Mr. Atheist blogger- your commie dreams are not founded on solid ideas and research at all.

UPDATE: Welcome readers of Alaskan Minority Report, where the commentary stinks worse than half-baked Alaskan cod. You see, once I mentioned that I felt that schools were violating the first commandment and had become houses of worship for other false idols, like the Green God, Men, or Reason (the capital 'R' is because schools don't teach reason, they teach the worship of man created reason), I started to be attacked by one after another left-wing commie.

In this blog, I got a typical left-wing knee-jerk reaction of victimhood. While I pointed out that I felt that schools were trying to destroy God, blogs like this one started to whine about how I must be part of the grand Christian conspiracy, and in reality it is atheists and communists who are hiding in fear and not running our school system. This is followed by more 'woe as me, I don't control everyone else's thoughts and actions'.

Let me tell it to you straight from the front lines of public education- you won, I lost. Liberals, communists, progressives, environmentalists, atheists, Muslims, and hippies won- conservatives, libertarians, Christians, and upstanding tax paying citizens lost. That's the truth. Pretend you are the victim all you want- Obama will give you competition for that, since he and the liberals still claim they are victims even thought they control every lever now- but the truth is, I have to fear you breaking down my door to take more of my property and liberty, not the other way around.

Face it Alaskan Minority Report- you are a bigger threat than me to life, liberty, and property.

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