The Stories Over at Liberty for Kids

Have you ever checked out a website called Liberty for Kids? It's a pretty neat site that has some good posts every now and then. I especially like the attempts by this blog's author to relate concepts about liberty and freedom to kids. As a teacher, I struggle with this myself- trying to relate concepts about liberty, freedom, responsibility, and ownership to students who are raised in a society that encourages tyranny, oppression, and no responsibility or ownership. Heck, late night comedians don't even take responsibility for their own words any more!

So Liberty for Kids has two really good stories recently. I suggest that you print them out and tell them to your own little kids as a bedtime story. The first is called "Sonia the Umpire", and is a story of how little Barry was playing a game of baseball and asked his friend Sonia to umpire the game for him. It is a great story about the fairness of judging and the lessons learned when you have a liberal judge making rulings in our society.

The other great story on Liberty for kids is called "Barry, Larry, and Li’l Timmy Run a Lemonade Stand" and is about a group of kids that decide to run a lemonade stand and produce lemonade for consumers. The analogy of course is the auto companies, particularly Government Motors (GM), which Obama and the Democrats are now running even if they say they are not, and the folly that this is. A good story, a good kids story, and it has a good lesson.

Check these out and other good posts at Liberty for Kids.

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