Retailers Head for Exits in Detroit

Yahoo Finance carried an article from the Wall Street Journal called "Retailers Head for Exits in Detroit.' The story details how there are no more big box stores or major retailers left inside the city limits of Detroit- not a single major car dealership, no Borders, no Starbucks, no chain grocery stores, no outlets to sell fresh produce and meat, and no Home Depots or Lowes.

The city of Detroit has been hammered by years of liberal Democrat rule (it is getting increasingly tough to blame all this on Bush in Detroit), and now there are very very people buying goods- the city's has a 22.8% unemployment rate among the highest in the U.S. and 30% of residents are on food stamps- and there are fewer people selling goods now. High taxes, high regulation, easy access to welfare, poor crime fighting, government handouts, and government directed building projects- the very platform of Obama- have destroyed capitalism in the city of Detroit, and now its residents have to travel to the suburbs (which are still run by Republicans) to buy goods and services.

How did Detroit get in this mess? Buried in the middle of this article, we discover the real reason why residents of Detroit are unable to buy food and consumer goods- GOVERNMENT. The barrier to a better life is government. The thing that stands in the way of eating good food for cheap prices is government. The people of Detroit can only blame themselves, because they elected liberal Democrats on a message of hope and change, and now live poor and solitary and brutal lives as a result.

After the usual 'it's the white people in the suburbs fault' line, the real reason why Detroit is suffering comes out- the reason why there are no stores in Detroit is because the city is inept and negligent in keeping track of who ones what property and now there are hundreds of buildings were left vacant with unclear property ownership. The other reason that residents of Detroit have to travel twice as far to get food is because zoning rules and other red tape to develop land for big-box stores that might cater to a low-income clientele is daunting.

What is the solution? One approach is to go green, and start village gardens and markets and revert back to the middle ages. Another approach is to tax the pants off any rich person the government can get its hands on, and squeeze more blood out of rocks. Another approach is to spend tax money trying to talk people into relocating their businesses to Detroit. These are all bad ideas though.

The solution is for residents of Detroit, Wayne County, Oakland County, the State of Michigan, and the United States of America to vote straight ticket Republican next election. That is the easiest way to affect positive change and restore hope for Detroit. Do it.

UPDATE: I want to respond to some of you who emailed me because you don't like my solution (vote Republican). First, government is power, and it is very important who is in power, and the best way to affect government is by voting. Voting is the easiest way. Voting is the most direct way. Voting is the quickest way. So voting is the best solution. As to voting Republican, Republican politicians usually are closer to the advocating the correct policy decisions than Democrats, and if you vote Republican you have a much better chance of voting for conservatives than if you vote Democrat. And voting independent or third party is an utter waste of a vote because we have a two party system.

So that's why I just suggest voting straight-ticket Republican. That is the easiest, quickest, and most direct way to change our nation for the better. Keep that in mind next election when there are Congressman and State Senators up for election- it is because of people like you who didn't vote straight ticket Republican that our country is in this mess.

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