Limit and Tax Bill Likely to Pass

Over at Powerline blog, they note that the House is likely to pass the Limit and Tax bill, which will put a limit on energy production in the United States and tax all other energy producers. This is supposedly in the name of fighting the increasingly-disgraced theory of global warming. In reality what it does is give more power to government officials who can then funnel money to their political supporters, creating a more corrupt and tyrannical government.

If you haven't already done so, take a minute to write your Congressman and Senator to note your opposition to this bill. I'm sure it will do no good- if your Congressman or Senator is a Democrat they only care about people who give them and their family money and power- but at least you can rest knowing that you took 5 minutes to do your job as a citizen. Search your public official, go to his homepage, click contact, and hammer out an email- it takes less than 2 minutes per official. Keep it short- one paragraph- and make it clear that you vote and donate money and oppose this bill.

What has been holding up this bill is that some Democrats want to get more taxpayer money for favored constituencies, and the other Democrats hadn't thought of that yet and so had to figure out a way to get it into the bill. The Democrats from farming states wanted more money for ethanol boondoggles, and so Democrat tyrant Pelosi had to redo the bill to put that in. Other Democrats never even bothered to read it and smile as they ignore every argument against it- this bill isn't about saving the globe, the bill isn't about making America better- the bill is about power and money, and they know it and don't care how bad it is.

Powerline charts its likely progress in the Senate:

Of course, tomorrow's vote in the House won't actually decide anything. The Senate is likely to pass a bill (if it passes one at all) that is even more loaded with special interest favors than the House version. If a "climate change" bill eventually does become law, it will probably consist of little but a gift bag for favored Democratic Party constituencies, funded by what may be the biggest tax increase in American history. Still, that's better than the alternative--the all-out attack on American industry that was originally envisioned by environmentalists. Waxman-Markey is a reminder that what is now happening in Washington isn't politics as usual. It's worse.
Our way of life is under attack, and regrettably, it is about to be lost. Any one of you who voted for a single Democrat anywhere is part of this disaster. In one stupid move, the American people gave liberal Democrats like Obama and Pelosi total control over our nation- and just like that hundreds of years of careful hard work is going to be wiped away by taxpayer-give-aways, socialized medicine, tax and limit, deficits, and mismanagement.

Darn watermelons- green on the outside, red on the inside, and their only goal is to take away your life, liberty, and property using the power of the state. Our founding fathers died fighting less tyranny than this.

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