Obama Dismisses Ethics

"To advance human good and avoid harm, biotechnology must be used within ethical constraints. It is the task of bioethics to help society develop those constraints and bioethics, therefore, must be of concern to all of us."

This was the message and mission of The President’s Council on Bioethics. This Council of advisers was created by Republican President George W. Bush to examine the ethics behind such issues as enhancement therapy, cloning, brain death, genetics, drugs, organ transplants, sex selection, and stem cells, and attempt to put in place policies and guidelines so that these issues would be dealt with in a civilized and humane way.

Sadly, this council published a report that criticized new Democrat President Barack Obama, and so he shut down this council. With a one-day notice, the members of the council were told in a letter from the President that their services were no longer required- pack up and get out. The descent into barbarianism is encouraged by our current President, who puts ethnic concerns ahead of ethical concerns, who cares more about how to advance humans that advance humanity, and who cares more about political issues than the issues involved in politics.

Peter Lawler, member of the now-defunct Council, notes that the letter from Obama dismissing the Council says that the President cares a lot about the value of having a commission like this. I guess he didn't care enough, or more likely, he wants a council like this but one that he puts together that agrees with everything he says- he likely wants a commission to rubber-stamp his decisions, whether they are ethical or humane or not.

I imagine the webpage of this group will be shut down soon and the work they did will be wiped out of existence by Obama's thugs, but in the meantime, you can check out some of the work they did here.

As theblogprof says, "There's your hope and change America! Chicago brass-knuckles politics at work right in front of America's eyes, and very few to report on it." I agree- with no reporting, the President shut down in one day a council focused on ethics, and replaced it with nothing (unless you count more czars and deficits).

Democrat President Obama every day works to take away life, liberty, and property and lower the human condition. He must be opposed.

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