Obama Says 'Just Die Already'

Democrat President Obama is well-known for his positions on life issues, such as abortion, but be prepared for seeing more of his lack of compassion once he is in charge of running your healthcare. I imagine there will be a lot more of this:

President Obama suggested at a town hall event Wednesday night that one way to shave medical costs is to stop expensive and ultimately futile procedures performed on people who are about to die and don't stand to gain from the extra care.
In a nationally televised event at the White House, Obama said families need better information so they don't unthinkingly approve "additional tests or additional drugs that the evidence shows is not necessarily going to improve care."He added: "Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller."
So, let's imagine that you are about to die, but you had not tried everything yet. A reasonable person, if they had quality insurance that they paid for their whole lives, would expect the doctors to try everything to save their lives, if it was possible. If they paid for the insurance, and the insurance covered it, then it is expected that the doctors try expensive procedures, get additional tests, and try additional drugs. If these things are ultimately unsuccessful and you die, at least you did all you could to to save your life, and so did the doctors who took an oath to save your life.

Even if one person is saved using these expensive procedures (that they paid for their whole lives with insurance), then it is worth it. You can not measure the cost of one life, it is that precious. In our society, you can indeed hope that medical science can save you, and it is possible to change your condition to dead to alive by getting an expensive surgery.

Under Obama's plan, a government bureaucrats full time job would be to say 'no' to saving your life. Obama wants people in our government to take your tax money and then evaluate whether your life is worth saving or not, and if that bureaucrat doesn't think your life is worth saving (based partly on your race, condition, age, sex, political affiliation, etc), the you die.

Obama wants to kill you- although he wants you to die quietly by being drugged up on painkillers first. He said "maybe you are better off not getting the surgery" when he was talking about people on death's door- he is saying he wants you to die rather than cost the healthcare 'system' any more money. To 'shave medical costs' Obama wants you to die, as cheaply as possible, rather than cost the 'system' any more money. He does not value human life, he does not value liberty, and he does not value property.

Perhaps though Obama is right- really, all this healthcare plan needs is more cowbell. I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!

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