Auto Bailouts, Porkulus Bills, and an Endless Power Grab- All on Obama

Some days I feel like I must not be normal, that my thinking doesn't quite fit, because I arrive at the opposite conclusions as other people. Today's post might be more accurately a rant.

I'm reading an article in the Detroit News about the auto bailout- about how General Motors and Chrysler asked the government for $21 billion more in taxpayer money to 'stave off bankruptcy', which raises the tab for the auto industry's rescue above $40 billion. As I am reading this article, there are a couple things that jump out to me. Take a look at this line from the article-

Yet since the government extended the first emergency loans in December, the already weak U.S. auto market has collapsed to its lowest level since the 1980s.
Here is how I am different- in my mind, I think that that the already weak market collapsed BECAUSE the government started bailing out everyone. The bailouts caused the public to panic, caused confidence in these products to decline, and damaged our economy, all of which further hurt the auto companies, and the solution is no more bailouts, no more government money. Or take a look at this line

Politicians have criticized Detroit's automakers for running sloppy businesses and producing gas-guzzlers that consumers don't want to buy, but the severity of this downturn is hobbling even the world's strongest automakers.

Toyota Motor Corp., Nissan Motor Co. and Daimler AG have all reported losses for the October-December quarter. "There has been an unprecedented decline in the automotive sector," since early December when Chrysler first requested $7 billion in loans, Chairman Robert Nardelli told reporters.

Follow me on this one- if it was just a Detroit or a domestic thing, it would only affect Detroit or domestic auto companies. But it isn't- it is a United States thing as all companies selling in the US are being hurt. Why? Especially troubling is the line 'unprecedented decline'- why is it unprecedented? Did something radical happen in the US lately? Yup- the government stepped in, raised environmental standards, raised CAFE requirements, radically changed the nature of the government in the economy, etc. The reason why the auto industry declined in the US was not 'greed,' or 'bad Ford executives,' but the United States federal government. Blame that institution- blame the Democratic Congress, the moderate Bush, and the radical Obama. They are to blame, not good Americans working hard in a free economy.

In other news, one day after Obama signed into the the Destroy America Act (see post below), an act that spends an unprecedented $787 billion, an act that likely wastes money like nothing else in the history of spending, our President announced that this act isn't enough, and that we need another bailout of $75 billion 'to tackle the foreclosure crisis'. This act is meant to bailout people speculated in the housing market bubble, leveraged those profits into investments and a nice lifestyle, and now have to pay the piper, and bribe banks to continue lending to risky individuals in an effort to put every person in the Soviet America into a square block house. One wonders how much of this money will flow into the pockets of politically connected Democratic donors.

This type of government spending, whereby inefficient and irresponsible individuals are propped up at the sacrifice and hard work of efficient and responsible individuals, leads no where. What it leads to is the bankrupting of America. If you want to see what these liberal policies create, look at Detroit- a liberal Democrat dream town, designed by liberal Democrats and controlled by them for years, and now the 2nd most desolate city in the country. Democrats want to turn America into that.

And what is Obama doing, other than throwing unheard of amounts of money at the problems of America? Is he in Washington, working on creating effective public policy? Is he using his Harvard trained mind to creatively solve the problems facing our nation? Nope- he is doing what he does best, and campaigning for office. This Presidency is going to be marked by ceremonies, palaces, dances, and a continual spin campaign of the likes that you have never seen (unless you lived under soviet or fascist leaders).

Yes, the President is making good on his promise to continually get in touch with the people of our nation- provided that they are donors and they only donate to Democrats. He continued his Presidential campaigning today in swing states like Virginia and Florida, meeting with rich donors and promising to give them more taxpayer money in the form of further bailouts. What a joke.

Lastly, just to prove that the joke is on all of us and not just Republicans, Obama also announced that in the name of peace and to bring our troops home from conflict and protect them from harm, he is increasing our presence in Afghanistan by 17,000. The article says that he is radically changing the course of our foreign affairs by surging troops to combat terrorists- something that apparently Bush never did? Really, this is how the media covers for this guy, who now is backstabbing his own peacenik supporters and proving that he is only after one thing and one thing only- more power for himself.

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