Food, Tea, and Guns

Things are busy in our house right now, but I did have time to run across a couple interesting stories in the news. The first comes via theblogprof, and is called Scarring kids with food.

Here's an article by the Herald Tribune: What's eating our kids? Fears about 'bad' foods. From the article "SODIUM: that's what worries Greye Dunn. He thinks about calories, too, and whether he's getting enough vitamins. But it's the sodium that really scares him. Sodium makes your heart beat faster, so it can create something really serious," said Greye, who is 8 years old and lives in Mays Landing, New Jersey."

I make sure the kids get their protein and fats, plus carbs so that they can grow to their potential. What I don't do is scare the pulp fiction out of my kids about sodium or trans-fat boogeymen hiding in everything they eat. That's what I'm against.

Public schools are not helping in this regard, listing some food as good, other as bad, without understanding what the heck they're talking about. Bureaucracies are even worse. Parents: let your kids enjoy their childhood while they still have it!

Here is another good article, via the DesMoinesRegister, about how the government tried to prevent a Cedar Rapids group from symbollically dumping tea in the Ceder River by saying tea was a pollutant:

A Cedar Rapids group will do a symbolic tea dumping into the Cedar River on Saturday because state officials won’t let them use the real thing. An anti-tax group wanted to pitch in real tea like the Bostonian revolutionaries opposed to England’s tea taxes.

(But) tea, although natural and quite tasty, is considered a pollutant that can’t go into a body of water without a permit, said Mike Wade, a senior environmental specialist at the DNR’s Manchester field office. “Discoloration is considered a violation,” Wade said.

(So) although not as steeped in history, the Cedar Rapids Tea Party will dump dechlorinated tap water or riverwater from buckets labeled “tea,” said Tim Pugh, the group’s founder.

Our Founding Fathers are sadly laughing in their graves at that one. One last fun story I found on the net, this one about Obama's attempt to take away our guns:

The Obama administration’s announcement that it will push to reinstate the assault -weapons ban has stunned Capitol Hill and revived a debate that has been dormant for years.

Congress’s leading supporter of the assault-weapons ban reacted with surprise and praise after Attorney General Eric Holder indicated the administration will push to renew the ban that expired in 2004.

Gun control advocates had been waiting to see what the Obama administration was going to do on the gun front. But they had expected him to focus on repealing appropriations riders that limit data collection on gun purchases, and requiring background checks on gun purchases, often referred to as “closing the gun-show loophole.”

To rephrase what the article said, people expected Obama to be a moderate force for liberalism and socialism, and are being surprised about how radically fascist the President is in his actions. I expect that since Congress knows this issue can't be advanced legislatively, Obama will do so through executive orders and dictatorial decrees.

The world we live in- scaring our children into eating politically correct foods, protecting the rivers against symbolic tea dumps, and taking away our guns through dictatorial decrees- any it is only month into the change regime!

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