Signs of the Times, Signs of Times to Come

Although I said long ago that the election of Obama would not be good for our nation because of his fascist tendencies (before dismissing my comments out-of-hand, read my posts here and here), I really thought it would take longer for America go to bad. I was wrong.

Today, an Oklahoma City police officer pulled a man's car over for having an anti-Obama sign in the window of his vehicle, and then took the sign from the man. The sign read "Abort Obama Not the Unborn", which clearly states the fact that the man disagrees with Obama's abortion policies and wishes that he was not around, stated in a rather controversial way, but it's a free country. Or it was. The officer felt that this sign was a threat to Obama, pulled over the man, and took his sign away. Then the Secret Service were called and went through the man's home, making sure that he wasn't part of a hate group or something (apparently being conservative is now borderline hate-group status). The good thing is that the police feel that his rights were not violated with this harassment- the good citizen on the other hand has not said whether he is suing or not. This is a true story, and a sign of things to come. Read the whole thing and watch some video by clicking on this link.

Also, since I am sure you didn't hear about it on the mainstream news, did you know that Obama is increasingly unpopular and already being protested by ever-enlarging crowds wherever he goes? It is true. Yesterday, greeting the President in Arizona was a crowd of about 200 people who were there to express their views on the stimulus bill and other pieces of legislation that Obama is supporting. Read about this here.

How does Obama intend to combat the swelling groundswell against his policies? By hiring celebrities. Yes, Obama intends to use taxpayer money to pay millionaires to lecture us on why we should support Obama. Remember that ad where McCain linked Obama to celebrities, and how good it was? So do I (it's a bummer McCain stupidly didn't follow it up). The message was that Obama was a passing fad, with shallow ideas, and was only popular because he was a celebrity. And now he hires celebrities to parrot his policies. Read about this here.

Where is this all heading? Obama wanted our nation to be international- remember the people around the world loved him. Probably because he wants to turn our nation into an undemocratic and elitist project comparable to the communist dictatorships of eastern Europe, that forbade alternative thinking, violated citizens rights, and were poor and unfree. Kind of like the EU is turning into, as Czech President Vaclav Klaus told the European Parliament on Thursday. Speaking about the EU, Klaus said "Those who dare thinking about a different option are labeled as enemies"- which increasingly describes conservatives, Republicans, and libertarians in this liberal Democrat-run nation.

Next thing you know,, it will be considered 'patriotic' to never question the government, pay more in taxes, and bow to the increasing authority of the state... oh wait, several Democrats already think this...

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