2010 Was Interesting- Jib-Jab Sums it Up in a Funny Video

2010 is coming to an end, and like any year in which our nation was run by progressive liberal Democrats, it was a year of change, crisis, calamity, and collapsing values and systems. You probably can't even remember all of the major events that marked 2010 under Democratic control- times were just too darn interesting to keep all of the events close to short term memory. This shouldn't be a surprise- I predicted these sort of years in my post shortly after the election of 2008 called May you Live in Interesting Times.

"May you live in interesting times" is actually a Chinese curse. Uninteresting times, such as the 1920's, 1950's, 1990's, or early 2000's, were times of very little upheaval, of steady but unspectacular economic growth, of domestic tranquility, and rather boring cultural changes. But some people though don't like peace, tranquility, steady growth, and static cultural norms- they want change. And once you start changing things, times get interesting- but usually not better. And 2010 proves the case.

Looking back, 2010 rivals only 2009 as years when the most change occurred- rock-solid companies collapsed, major stunning environmental disasters unfolded, people were shockingly fired, rogue nations made surprising advances in acquiring weapons of mass destruction, and there were major leaks of intelligence. 2010 was sure an interesting year!

Jib-Jab sums it up in usual humorous fashion. Enjoy!

Check out Terry Pratchett's book Interesting Times for a good read! Or better yet, since it is Christmas time, for a good laugh and a fun read check out Pratchett's Hogfather- Death plays the role of Santa and saves cultural norms!

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