James Pethokoukis of Reuters Got His Hands on Secret GOP Plan to Bankrupt States!

James Pethokoukis of Reuters somehow got on the double-top secret email list of the Republican Party, and discovered something shocking- that the GOP has a secret plan to push bankrupt states to declare bankruptcy and then make them change some of the policies that led to bankruptcy! What is shocking to me about this secret evil plan is how incredibly evil it is. Oh, this is not an Onion story parody; it is a real story that a real journalist actually thinks is a real story:

Congressional Republicans appear to be quietly but methodically executing an (evil) plan that would a) avoid a federal bailout of (evil) spendthrift states and b) cripple public employee unions by pushing cash-strapped states such as California and Illinois to declare bankruptcy....

....Some Republicans hope the shock of the newly revealed debt totals will grease the way towards explicitly permitting states to declare bankruptcy. Indeed, legislation  amending federal bankruptcy law is currently being prepared by congressional Republicans. Local municipalities do declare bankruptcy from time to time, most famously California’s Orange County in 1994. But states can’t. Allowing them the same ability to renegotiate obligations could enable them to slash public employees’ lavish benefits, a big factor in their financial woes....
If it wasn't for mainstream journalists like James 'Genius' Pethokoukis, this evil plot by the Republicans might have remained hidden, and then we would have never known about the GOP's evil attempts to reign in deficit spending at the national level, force states to be honest regarding their liabilities and retirement systems, and put in place more sustainable spending systems.

Poor public employees, who for some reason needed to unionize even though they bargain with taxpayers for their salary and even though their safety and work standards are put in place by taxpayers, might lose massive unfunded entitlement programs that award them rich early retirements on the backs of my children who never agreed to that deal.

Yes, thank you Mr. Jimmy Pukalotpiss, for exposing this evil plot. It is much worse than the not-so-secret plot by the Democratic party to loudly and methodically execute a plan that would bankrupt our nation, continue to transfer money from states that live within their means to those that spend money irresponsibly, all while keeping the whole process secret. Ooooo... now that's a plan...

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