Big Government reports about a new human rights curriculum that was recently introduced to middle schools and high schools all across New York. So this is what your tax money goes to- this controversial curriculum that promotes leftists values was funded and designed by the taxpayer-supported Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights and the teacher-dues supported New York State United Teachers union. These two groups came together and used precious education resources to create lesson plans for teachers that focus on corporate “greed,” landmine awareness, Chinese labor camps, and abolishing the death penalty.
The general agenda of this program is typical teacher-mumbo jumbo speak that seeks to hide a real leftist agenda of dumbing down students while they learn to submit to learned authority. It says that the goal of Human Rights Education, or HRE since it quite obviously needs an acronym to shorten it into an unrecognizable subversive element, is to:
Explore the development of protected human rights from a historical perspective as well as present-day declarations, conventions and covenants and the continuing evolution of human rights knowledge, the various challenges to the full enjoyment of human rights, and the factors that contribute to human rights abuse, and develop critical understanding of real life situations, questioning the barriers and structures that prevent the full enjoyment of rights and freedoms.Yeah, I like human rights too- the kind of human rights that we are all born with, such as the right to live and not be aborted or killed, the right to live in freedom and make choices as we see fit on a range of issues from healthcare to what we eat, and the right to keep and own property free from government interference and seizure. I like human rights such as the right to speak freely without the government interfering in it, the right to carry a firearm able to deliver deadly force to those who would take my rights from me, the right to be secure in my possessions from snooping government agents, and other rights guaranteed to me by the US Constitution.
Browsing through the so-called 'Human Rights Education' curriculum, I get the sense that students who follow it and learn from it are not going to respect my human rights because they, in all their great wisdom, will feel that other people's human rights are not being protected or supported or fully embraced until I lose all my rights and am reduced to the state of an animal, hunted because of my conservative beliefs. The HRE education is hostile to the US Constitution, hostile to the Bill of Rights, and hostile to natural rights philosophy, instead embracing the Universal Declaration of Rights, embracing a strong government that will redistribute wealth, and embracing communist philosophy.
The fact that tax-payer supported institutions helped build this curriculum and the fact that schools are implementing it makes me sick and once again hammers home my points about education being a universe that is dominated by liberals and leftist views. Although I am a strong supporter of public education, if my students went to a school that implemented this sort of garbage I would pull them out and homeschool them rather than expose their minds to this sort of pollutant trash that is the Speak Truth to Power curriculum.
For those who are interested, check out Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling or The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling
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