Obama's Myth on Gitmo Joins Collapse of Other Myths of Left

"A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true" Socrates once said. Over the past two years, much of the narrative of the left has been demonstrated to be nothing more than a mere illusion, a vulgar conception of reality that increasingly is proven to be untrue. Once the left seized power on in our nation, on most major policies they have simply continue the policies of 'conservative' George W Bush, who they emotionally railed against for 8 years, while adding to it other leftist policies that are bound to also be proven wrong. Whether it has been continuing the War on Terror, not withdrawing from Iraq or Afghanistan, continuing tax cuts, or keeping in place 'Don't Ask Don't Tell', the left has discovered that while spinning an illusion might fool voters into putting them in power, once in power reality hits and they no longer are able to indulge in their childish fantasies.

Just last week, reality rose up again and once again dispelled a major part of the illusion of the left- that of an evil Gitmo prison holding innocent goatherders that lawless George Bush ran to the detriment of the world and United States.

From The Wall Street Journal's article The Collapse of the Guantanamo Myth:

...For two years, President Barack Obama has pretended that terrorism is a crime, that prisoners are unwanted, and that Gitmo is unneeded. As a presidential candidate, he declared: "It's time to show the world . . . we're not a country that runs prisons which lock people away without ever telling them why they're there or what they're charged with." Upon taking office, he ordered Gitmo closed within the year.

But the president's embrace of the left's terrorism-as-crime theories collided with his responsibility to protect a great nation. Now the reality of the ongoing war on terror is helping to shatter the Gitmo myth and end its distortion of our antiterrorism strategies....

...All of this is having an impact on Congress, which this week voted overwhelmingly to de-fund any effort to shut down the Gitmo prison. It also barred the Justice Department from transferring detainees to the U.S. homeland...
Look, I've been in Michigan, which in 2002 decided to embark on a program of hope and change under Democrat Governor Jennifer Granholm. As she promised and talked, she put in place regulations, taxes, and schemes that resulted in a single state recession and some of the worst economic statistics in the nation. The illusion of her leftist beliefs met reality, and instead of facing that reality, she double-downed on leftist ideas, raising taxes in the midst of a recession, increasing regulation of businesses, attacking productive companies with taxes, and so forth. And the reality was a worse economy.

Reality is what it is, and although it is possible to change reality, you can't wave a magic wand of liberalism at it and hide it in illusions. Obama found on entering office that much of his belief system, much of what the American people bought, was based on illusions and myths. Obama was a child, lacking experience in business or government, uneducated about a great many things including history and economics and philosophy, whose ideas of the world were not reality. But once faced with reality, he has tried desperately to reconcile it with his existing ideas- jamming continuing the war and continuing tax cuts with Obamacare and cap-and-tax- in the hope that he was not completely wrong about almost everything.

But he is- on a range of issues, time is going to demonstrate that it was Reagan who made the economy boom in the 80's, it was the GOP Revolution of '94 that made the economy boom in the 90's, it was Bush who made the economy positive in the early 00's, and that it was Democrats and their leftist policies that drove our economy into recession, and then Obama and his policies that deepened and lengthened a recession into a depression. That's the narrative that's reality.

UPDATE: The following are not myths- they are real pieces of advice for you that you really show follow:
  • In the event of that some is decapited, what you do is sit the victim's body in a chair as best you can, balance the head on top of the shoulders, and walk away whistling nonchalantly.
  • You should always keep plenty of gauze around the house in case you invent an invisibility potion.
  • In the event that someone you know sufferes a stroke, give them an eye-popping orgasm- it is always appreciated, no matter the situation.
  • If someone you know is seriously injured, cradle his or her head in your lap and scream, "Why?"
  • Make sure your first-aid kit always contains a large, frilly Victorian fan to revive fainting victims.
  • If you are a hideous, disfigured hunchback and you see someone who is injured and unconscious, treat the person. Then, as the person begins to wake up, retreat into hiding. The person will always wonder who saved him or her, and the experience will be poignant in a bittersweet way. 
  • If possible, try to be the guy who tells the victim, "Everything's going to be all right," while others do the actual work.

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