Obama Doesn't Know What the Official Motto of the US Is?

Via Gateway Pundit, here is a video of Obama telling an Indonesian audience that our national motto is E pluribus unum. It is from last month, and Obama was commenting to Indonesian students that the U.S. and Indonesia share a similar history. “It is a story written into our national motto's. In the United States, our motto is ‘E Pluribus Unum’ — out of many, one.”

The only problem is that since 1956 the official motto of the United States of America has been “In God We Trust”.

I don't really blame Obama or his advisers or speech writers that much for not knowing our official motto- to be honest, I didn't know what our official motto was and might have guessed E Pluribus Unum too. But the difference between Obama and me is that I'm not a Harvard-educated President of the United States who was giving a speech based around the idea that the United States is based on out of many, one. If I had gone to Harvard and was President of the United States and was giving a major speech, I would likely spend a minute or two and fact-check my speech and figure out what the official motto was.

As it is, Obama's entire speech was based around a false idea- the President was wrong when he suggested that America's history is a history based around the communal idea that from out of many come one, while to be correct our history is based around an idea that America was created by God as a shining city on a hill, something that a Muslim country like Indonesia might have an issue with.

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