Barack Obama was a member of the New Party

As explained by Thomas Lifson, the New Party was a radical left organization established in 1992 to amalgamate far left groups and push the United States into socialism by forcing the Democratic Party to the left. It was an attempt to regroup the forces on the left in a new strategy to take power, burrowing from within the Democratic Party. Their ultimate goal was to get a communist mole into political power. And they are about to succeed.

According to New Party literature itself, Barack Obama was a member of this group when he ran for State Senate 12 years ago- and the only reason that he is not still a member of this group is that it is no longer around. At no point has he publicly stated that he regrets his membership in this group.

Now, you might think that I an just joking- after all, this is pretty explosive stuff. Well, I am not kidding. is all over it- check it out.

I think it is becoming fairly obvious what is going on here- that America is going to have some serious buyers remorse once a fascist/communist/socialist Obama gets elected. It's not just his membership in a socialist party- it's not just his association with communist Bill Ayers- it is not just his membership in a church that preached black liberation theology- it is not his off-the-cuff statements disrespecting America's tradition and culture- and it is not just his policies of welfare and nationalized healthcare- it is not a little point here and a casual association there- it is the unmistakable fact that he is in fact a communist that makes me shudder in fear.

You have to vote McCain to stop him. You have to. Please America, don't put a communist in the White House!

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