Cloward-Piven Strategy

Today on Rush he laughingly suggested to a caller that this financial crisis might have been the long-predicted October Surprise of the Democrats, designed to draw attention away from how bad of a candidate Obama is by confusing people with crisis in high finance. This tickled my fancy, and then my brother emailed me this link to look at.

The idea is that Democrats in Congress, who by all appearances have been fiddling while Rome has burned, have in fact been sowing the seeds for a crisis. This strategy is called the Cloward-Piven Strategy, after a pair of radical socialist professors from the 60's.

The idea is to create a series of crisis, each one of which will be blamed on capitalism, de-regulation, low taxes, free markets, etc. The solution for each crisis will be to put in place a more socialist, state-run society. As is the characteristic of socialist, state-run economies, this will cause more crisis, which then encourages more socialism, etc, until the whole kingdom is run by the Messiah in his capital.

If this sounds like something out of 1984, it isn't- it's real, and be prepared, because I've already seen it happen in Michigan- every month there is another 'crisis' in Michigan, and the result is the enlargement of government, raising of taxes, etc- which causes another 'crisis', and more socialism, etc.

Do I seriously believe it is an orchestrated conspiracy by a well-trained communist (Obama)? No. Do I think that a well-trained communist has messed up things with his ideas so much that he has hurt the system- yes. Can't wait till he is President.

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