Joe the Plumber Must Be Destroyed

As the narrative goes, Joe the Plumber is not an ordinary citizen who spotted an obvious flaw in the Anointed One's grand plan, and by pointing it out got the Anointed One to let slip that his communist leanings. No, the left wing hatchet men are already at work- apparently Joe the Plumper is a Republican spy, who once lived in Arizona and has relatives in Alaska, doesn't like to pay his taxes, isn't even a licensed plumber, and has mental health problems.

Isn't it impressive how quick the left goes to work on destroying people's lives? They don't want to talk about the merits of Joe the Plumbers argument- that taxing rich people destroys the incentive for anyone to be rich- ie, that taxing rich people also taxes all future people who want to be rich- ie, that taxing rich people makes people less productive and makes America less prosperous. No, the left goes after people personally. They know they can't win in the arena of ideas, so they need to destroy people's personal lives, one by one if they have to, until no one is left.

Put the power of a police state in these people's hands and you get the Soviet Union, Cambodia, and China. Put Obama in power and it won't be this bad, but it won't be good either.

The left's reaction to Joe the Plumber shouldn't surprise people. Look again at the left response to Governor Sarah Palin. When McCain picked her to be his running mate, there was a rush to examine her record by the right... and her by the left. The left came out swinging, but not on her ideological ideas or beliefs about government or actions as a public official- their first response was to personally destroy her.

They rushed to to define Sarah Palin as a drooling hick with a gun living in a double-wide trailer in some small town. There is a whole site out there now that documents the lefts attacks on Palin, and notice that none of them are about what she believes- they are all personal attacks on her. The left takes pictures up Palin's skirt, they call her racist, they call her stupid, they all her unqualified, incompetent, a bad joke, a cancer, or a bad mother. Given power, one wonders what the left would do to someone who they perceive of as a 'racist cancer' and a 'threat to our country.'

Given power, what does the right do to leftists? How did those evil conservatives punish Obama's friend Bill Ayers? After 8 years of that crazy neoconservative Bush, how worse off are liberals? Under Reagan and Bush, were the personal lives of liberals destroyed- was there any rise in the police state- did the 'right wing' usher in an era of personal attacks? Nope- the rise of the right in our country led to great discussions on ideas, on beliefs, on questions about the nature of government, about the rights of individuals, and made our country a better place to live.

Joe the Plumber, I feel bad for you. Look at your wikipedia entry (the link)- I spent an hour last night defending you on that page, but when I left, it still said you were an un-union Republican stooge because of the petty malice of the left's minions.

What is happening to you is characteristic of anyone who annoys the left. You made the big mistake of pissing off the left's new god- an especially bad offense, for which you apparently are now going to pay. I'm sorry my friend. Soon you too will be ripped endlessly on Saturday Night Live, and the left will laugh at you and make fun of you for being a good guy who asked a good question. Don't worry though- soon enough, someone else will join you on the left's hate list.

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