Richard Epstein on Obama

Via the Volokh Conspiracy comes this good post by University of Chicago law Professor Richard Epstein, who knows Obama personally from long association. Here is what he wrote:

At this point, my fear is that the change in office will not lead to a change in his liberal voting record, as reinforced by a hyperactive Democratic platform. My great fear is that a landslide victory will give him solid majorities in both Houses of Congress, so that no stalling tactics by Republicans can slow down his legislative victory procession. At that point his innate pragmatism will line up with his strong left-of-center beliefs on issues that have thus far been muted during the campaign.

Put otherwise, Obama's vague calls for change that "you can believe in" are, to my thinking, wholly retrograde in their implications. At heart, he is an unreconstructed New Dealer who can see, and articulate, both sides on every question--but only as a prelude to championing the old corporatist agenda with a vengeance.

So, to sum up, an Obama Presidency, combined with liberal Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, would provide no check on his tendency for liberal beliefs, and he would champion a "corporatist agenda." Is "corporatist" anything like economic syndicalism or economic nationalism, as I talked about in my post here?

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