Manhattan Community Board 1 Approved Ground Zero Victory Mosque: Details Here!

Over my years as an active citizen, I've been to many Zoning Board meetings at several different towns and townships. I've seen Zoning Boards reject business owners who want to build a sign promoting their business because the 'sign was too green-colored' or 'the sign distracted from the overall ambiance of the area,' I've seen ZB's reject building permits for buildings that 'were not environmentally friendly enough' or 'didn't have the right amount of parking,' I've seen ZB's reject decks and docks and lamps for reasons ranging from 'too bright' to 'too big' to 'too close to neighbor' to 'not right vision for area.' I've seen churches, religious groups, gun sellers, and cell phone operators all rejected.

Anyone who is an active citizen in their community has probably seen similar actions by Zoning Boards all over America- Zoning Boards frequently reject and deny buildings for all sorts of reasons, regardless of 'separation of church and state' or 'Muslims have the right to building anything they want anywhere.' So let's back up a little bit on this Ground Zero Victory Mosque and ask the question "What in the world was the Lower Manhattan Zoning Board thinking when it approved this building 29 to 1?"

First, to be more accurate, the group that approved the Ground Zero Victory Mosque (or as it is sometimes called the Cordoba House Initiative Project, or Ground Zero Mosque, or Celebration of the Thousands Killed by Extremist Muslims, or Cordoba Initiative) is really called the Manhattan Community Board 1. CB1 is one of New York City's 59 community boards, covering most of the southernmost part of Lower Manhattan below Canal Street. Community Board members are appointed by the Borough President and make recommendations to government agencies about significant matters affecting the district. CB1 is reportedly concerned with quality of life and the delivery of services to the district and advocate on behalf of those who live or work in the district.

After a little bit of digging, I found the Resolution itself on the Cordoba Project, passed in May 25, 2010. You can see the Resolution yourself by looking at this page.

One shocking thing is that this Resolution was adopted by such large margins. One wonders who exactly was on this Board and who these people are who approved the Project- again, I've seen many local boards in many communities, and am shocked that this Resolution passed with only one objection. I'm going to continue to do some more digging on this issue, but I suggest that you do the same- Nancy Pelosi wants an investigation into who is behind this, so let's figure out who these people are who approved the building of this mosque and make them answer for their actions.

Sean Hannity's Discussion Board's suggest one way to contact the City of New York over this issue, but I don't think that's right course of action. The people to contact are the people on Manhattan Community Board 1, which you can contact by going here.

One of the main reasons used by liberals and Democrats in defense of this project is that "the project was approved in a non-political and non-religious and purely objective way." I reject this premise, as man is by nature a political animal, and this particular project was is a political and religious statement and anything but objective. This boards approval of the mosque was not an objective decision based on separation of church and state- no, this was a political statement by a group of radical liberals. Look up these people and see for yourself.

UPDATE: Welcome Doug Ross readers! Thank you for checking out my post- I hope that you all can do some legwork yourself on this issue. While you are on my blog, be sure to check out other recent entries like I Knew I Was Different From Liberal Teachers When..., Reflections from High School World History Students, Are 340K/year 'Anchor Babies' Too Many?, The Coming Tax Assault I: 2011 Destroyed by Tax Increases on Everyone, or Catailine = Obama?

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