Conservatives Control the Media?

As I listened to liberal talk radio today (1310 AM), what I was hearing made me laugh out loud. According to the dwellers in the fever swamp, the problem with the current election, and the reason that McCain has opened up a 3 point lead (poll here), is that the media is biased towards conservatives.

Their argument is that conservatives have Fox News and talk radio. These are bad things. Even though liberals have NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, CNBC, and MSNBC, control the AP and most of the liberal newspapers, and run most of the major magazines out there, the media is biased because conservatives have a single radio station and talk radio. Wow. The solution is that the government needs to step in and stop FOX and talk radio. Apparently as long as conservatives have a voice, it needs to be silenced, using government power.

Furthermore, the arguments on liberal radio, both by the host Ed Schultz and the callers, was that the problem is that FOX News and conservative radio, Rush and Hannity specifically, get too high ratings- their ratings are judged as 'too high' and be lowered or liberal radio's must be inflated using government action. People and their choices is what liberals hate.

This fits with my earlier posts about liberals starting to fear into dangerous territory, specifically my post about Happy-Nicing Ourselves into a Dictatorship and Dragged Kicking and Screaming.

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