Government Finds Puddle, Throws Job-Creating Entrepreneur in Jail

Expect more of this once Obama is in charge. In Grand Rapids, Michigan, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality declared that a temporary puddle on a business owners property was 'wetland', and so that business owner had to set aside that property until the end of time and not develop it. This puddle exists as snow run off from a recently built parking lot, and is only in existence for several months, and was not in existence when the property owner bought the land, and has never been declared to be wetland at any time ever. But, just days before this property owner was ready to pour concrete to expand his parking lot over the puddle, the DEQ swooped in and made this decision. The property owner defied the DEQ, saying that this was an arbitrary exercise in bureaucratic power, and now the DEQ is now fining him and threatening him with jail time.

Here is the full story. Notice also that many of the commentators support the DEQ, claiming that it was the property owners fault, and that he needs to justify developing the land, not that the DEQ needs to justify why he can't develop it. Most of the people leaving comments are going to vote in a police state that will rule your lives.

This is the type of state we are entering. Unelected bureaucrats are going to be making decisions about what can be developed and what can't be developed, all on their own whims, under pressure from environmental groups and left wing nuts. They will chase jobs out of our country, drive down our prosperity, and make our world a worse place than it is now. We need to fight this. What can we do to help this guy? Write letters? Contact the DEQ? Don't let injustices like this one stand my friends- do something.

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