No Special Education Teacher For You !

Under Deputy Chancellor for Special Education Phyliss Harris' new model- many DC public school students diagnosed with emotional disabilities reported to newly created self contained programs. Little did their unsuspecting parents know that many of these special education programs lacked special educational teachers, educational aides and the much needed textbooks which somehow just did not get ordered by the Office of Special Education. The devil is in the details. To date major complaints have surfaced from the Shadd Center which some contend has become an institutional warehouse of disabled students. In lieu of having adequate certified special education teachers and support personnel for these programs , some central office staff are regularly performing as fill-in substitutes. Are we awaiting the call-back of the 269 terminated teachers, 78 terminated probationary teachers and the 500 terminated educational aides who were recently separated from DCPS ???? Is this a denial of a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE)- you decide.

Other complaints have surfaced from Ferebee Hope and Garfield Elementary Schools where self contained classrooms lack special education teachers, educational aides and textbooks still. If you know of a situation in which DC programs lack special education teachers/educational aides, lack textbooks, utilize school social workers as substitutes or aides, or DC teachers/providers who are working outside of their certification area, drop me a line @ Posted by Candi

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