ACORN Turns in 5,000 New Voter Registrations- and All of Them Are Fraudulent

Via Powerlineblog, from Instapundit, comes a news story so stunning that you can hardly believe it. In Lake County, Indiana, ACORN turned in 5,000 new registrations. The authorities there started reviewing them, and quit after they found that the first 2,100 were all fraudulent. Not a single one was legitimate.

Here is the video of the story from CNN.

Consider- nationally, ACORN has now turned in 1.3 million registrations over the last several months. If not a single one was real out of 5,000, how many of these new registrations out of 1.3 million are legitimate? 100? 1,000? And how many are fraudulent, to be filled out by representatives of ACORN? 1 million? 800,000? How might the election in a swing state be swung by this openly fraudulent organization?

And even more shocking is that Obama was a lawyer for ACORN for many years, and currently is giving ACORN money, and ACORN is giving Obama money. This is an obvious attempt to win the election by fraudulent means. People are going to have some serious buyers remorse with this fraud.

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