Former Student Reports Professors Systematically Indoctrinating our Youth

One of my former students emailed me today, and she says that in their classes they are going to be reading The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age by Larry Bartels. She says that she is reading this book in her MC 111 Identity and Community: An Approach to Writing I course at MSU. I remember this course.

In this course, students learn about gender, race, class, and sexuality and how it impacts the community- in other words, students learn how to conform their thinking with leftist stereotypes and memes. This particular book teaches that increasing inequality is not simply the result of economic forces, but the product of broad-reaching policy choices, and that in order to get the communist vision of class equality passed as government policy, political reforms have to take place. It teaches that our political system is dominated by conservatives and the interests of the wealthy, and it shows that Republicans in particular have been bad for poor people. My former student tells me that she is reading this book because her professor wants to 'prepare her for the election.'

When my former students tell me that they read these books, it makes me sad, because I know their minds are being filled with mush and they are being shaped into tools of liberal professors. And how in the world does this book prepare her for the election? It doesn't, unless the teacher wants to push an agenda on the students that they need to vote for Obama, and a vote against Obama is racist or something.

I guess this book itself is not bad, and reading it isn't bad- if alternative positions are also shown and alternative views are also read. But they aren't. The next book that students will read in this class is Whitewashing Race: The Myth of a Color-Blind Society. This book blasts conservative ideas on racism, arguing that Republicans and conservatives are racists, and that race-specific policies, such as affirmative action, need to be expanded in our society. It also is being read by students to 'prepare them for the election.' Again, the only logical conclusion to reach here is that the professor at this public university supported by tax money is making students read books that support Obama and promote his ways of thinking, and that they are making students read book after book of this sort without any balance what-so-ever.

The fact that professors are liberal and purposefully indoctrinating our youth isn't really a surprise. I just wanted people to be aware of how pervasive it is, and not be surprised when Obama wins, because imagine this professor systematically doing this to every student that goes through every college in the country- it is a powerful force shaping students minds. I only hope that the education I give in free thought and critical thinking causes students to reject this stuff on some level. It's a feeble hope, I fear.

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