The End of Conservatism?

That last post was meant to lighten up the tone a little- I'm battling not to get depressed when I read articles like this one by Mona Charen about how this election, if Obama wins and Democrats increase their majorities in the House and Senate, it could be the end for conservative policies in our nation.

Well, you may say, "Win some, lose some. McCain isn't all that great anyway... next time." Perhaps. But there are a few problems with this approach.

In the first place, the Democrats can, with a super-majority, change the rules of the game. They can make the District of Columbia the 51st state with two new senators (guaranteed to be Democrats in perpetuity). They can reinstitute the so-called Fairness Doctrine that required radio stations to provide equal time to all political viewpoints.

The article goes on to talk about how Obama will turn a recession into a depression by raising taxes and repealing NAFTA, possibly causing another Great Depression in our country- and the only way we emerged from the last one was by a brutal and destructive world war. Next, the article says

There is a one-way ratchet in public policy. Liberal reforms are never undone. How hard have conservatives tried to eliminate the Department of Education or subsidies to public television? Would they have more success uncreating a new nationalized health care system? An Obama/Pelosi/Reid regime -- if it were to get a filibuster-proof majority -- will certainly be able to shift the country's direction sharply to the left. The only question is -- would the shift be permanent?

Worth thinking about. Be very aware of how you vote this election, for all offices, because this is a historic election- it is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the left to dupe the American public into electing a communist who will permanently change our country for the worse.

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