Quick Reactions on Third Debate

This debate was one of the best debates in terms of each candidate expressing their opinions on domestic issues clearly, without filter. Because of this, I call this debate, as I did the last ones, as a narrow victory for McCain- that gives McCain 3 narrow victories over Obama.

Somehow though, whether McCain ties or wins a narrow victory, it doesn't matter- Obama only needs to tie or slightly lose. What does that say about Obama, that the best he needs to do is be present to win? He is a master at this present stuff- he never needs to take a stand, win anything, or show any leadership at all- just be there, and he wins. Must be nice to be able to advance to the highest position in the world by just being present.

Obama's answers all were about enlarging the size of government, redistribution of wealth, and spending more money. He couched his responses in a lot of qualifiers and a lot of words, but that is the essence of them, and as proof I point to his voting record in the US Senate and Illinois Senate. Although I disagreed with most of his positions, the only one that truly caused me to yell at the TV was when Obama said the main job of a Supreme Court Judge was to provide fairness and justice to those who don't have it- I shouted at my TV at this point that the main job of a Supreme Court judge is to judge on the law, above all to judge on the US Constitution. Obama never mentioned the US Constitution in his discussion on judges.

I guess when I think about it I did yell at the TV at another point in the debate. When the two candidates were talking about free trade, Obama talked about how he nixed the Columbia free trade agreement because labor leaders were getting killed in Columbia, and showing international solidarity with the labor movement is more important to him than helping America with jobs, drugs, or fight terrorism. That pisses me off.

McCain missed a lot of openings this debate- on abortion, Ayers, spending, etc. McCain's problem is that he knows that the winning formula is conservative ideas- he knows that conservative arguments are the best, the most moral, the most logical, and resonate with Americans more. But McCain isn't a true conservative, so many times he says the argument, but doesn't hammer it home. That could be McCain is just too nice of a guy, or that he is underestimating Obama's skill, or overestimating Americans intelligence- regardless, he missed many chances to expose Obama for the liberal socialist fraud that he is.

One thing that I liked that McCain did, probably by accident, was call Obama "Senator Government." McCain corrected himself, but he shouldn't have- Obama is Senator Government- he believes in big government, and he wants to run it like an all power legislative branch, not as an executive. Obama is Senator Government.

More thoughts later.

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