Wikipedia Description of Fascist Sounds Like Someone I Know

Okay, so over at Hot Air they posted a link to an article that disputs the idea that Obama is a Marxist. I'm willing to agree with that- he isn't a commited socialist, in spite of his membership in the New Party. But, there are other similar ideologies out there, and I think that one that best describes Obama is fascist.

I read the description of fascism on wikipedia. You can quibble with wikipedia, but the overall description of fascism is curiously close to Obama policies. I loosely quote "Fascism is primarily concerned with perceived problems associated with cultural, economic, political, and social decline or decadence, and seeks to solve such problems by achieving a historic national rebirth, many times by promoting cultish ideas of unity and purity."

Huh. Is there anyone out there talking about how America has fallen? How after 8 years of decadence and decline, America needs change? Historic change? A rebirth in many ways? And the best way to do it is through unity, togetherness, bipartisanship- in fact, the way to do it is through the election of one who is above politics, above race, above us. Sound like Obama to you?

Still quoting from wikipedia- Other elements of fascism include national socialism, national syndicalism, or economic nationalism (check), class collaboration, economic planning, mixed economy, and third position (check), dictatorship, holism, major social interventionism, and statism (check again), and militarism (Obama is awfully warlike towards everything but Iraq).

Wow. Apparently fascism also promotes political violence against opponents (check), welfare (check), is fiercly anti-religion (check), and promotes cults of personality (check). This started as just a crackpot theory of mine, but even I am surprised at how closely it fits. Now, I'd start getting scared if Obama was pushing a policy of having our government rise up a psudo-military arm of community organizers loyal to him- wait, he is pushing that? At least he is pro-gun ownership- wait, that's wrong too? Well, at least he doesn't have resentment due to a mixed parentage- he's 100% black, right, just like Hitler was 100% non-Jew- opps, wrong again... darn, are we in for some trouble or what?

UPDATE: I'm not that far off base with this line of thought- others agree with me. Read this story about how a Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.

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