Advising Farmers-SAILD

African Path reports on Service d'Appui aux Initiatives Locales de Développement (SAILD) an information retrieval service for farmers:

"What does a poor farmer in Cameroon do when something goes wrong? "The leaves on all my tomato plants are shrivelling," said one.Or what if a farmer has an idea but it might not work? "I have a fish farm and I'm wondering if it's OK to feed the fish chicken feed," said another. Or how can a farmer know what precautions he should be taking? "Is it possible that my pigs have contracted bird flu?" asked yet another.They don't have books and libraries or access to the Internet. Knowledge is passed down from generation to generation but that has limits, particularly for an enterprising farmer who wants to modernise his farm and try growing something new.The solution is to pick up the phone and call 'Allo Ingenier' where an agricultural expert is always on call...[continue reading]

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