The Wonders of Wikipedia- The Challenge Project

Through the wonders of wikipedia, I'm able to learn all sorts of neat facts. File this post under "Fun Facts", since this is only marginally relevant information today, but fun to know anyways.

The first thing I discovered in my wanderings around wikipedia was that the Iraqi Intelligence service, specifically Directorate 14. Special Operations, created insurgency plan called The Challenge Project. The Challenge Project was Saddam Hussein's pre-US invasion (see Iraq War) backup plan for establishing a long-term insurgency designed to inhibit the American occupation of Iraq. The idea was that before the US invaded, Directorate 14 was instructed to establish a network of intelligence agents throughout Iraq who would wait until the American military was fully entrenched in the occupation of Iraq, and then begin engaging in insurgent guerrilla warfare. This would eventually drive the US out of Iraq.

What is shocking about discovering the Challenge Project is that this plan is that it almost worked, and would have worked if the Democrats would have won the Presidency in 2004 or been more forceful after their wins in 2006. It is also shocking that no one has done further research into this (that I can find out), because it makes it clear that we are fighting a war against a bad enemy in Iraq, and not creating the war ourselves.

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