Family Independence Agency Assembly

Last week our school had an assembly that was put on by the Family Independence Agency. You wouldn't think that a government agency would be openly promoting liberal ideas in a school, but you'd be surprised at how your taxpayer money is being used.

The speaker was a very nice African-American woman, and she started by describing all the good and wonderful things that the agency does in our society. The way that she described it, you really felt like the FIA was very productive- if only it had more money. The FIA provides help for people, who students are told, need this help because they have problems at home, are given a poor education, or are otherwise victims of this evil capitalist society that we live in. The FIA, according to this speaker, does not think that a single poor person is that way due to their own responsibility. After hearing this spin, students heard from another African-American speaker who encouraged the students to write their Congressmen to ask for more money for the FIA to distribute to these poor poor people.

Two things stood out about this required assembly, and apparently they only bothered me, for most of the students and staff were enthusiastically nodding along. The first thing that bothered me was that the presenter never once mentioned the cost of these programs. Every program was presented as a great thing- with no cost. The students are being taught on a fundamental level that government can provide all these great things to people, and to just not even think about the cost or the downsides of this government intervention into our private society.

The second thing that bothered me about this presentation by the FIA was that the students were hit with a very strong leftist slant of welfare- that it isn’t those people’s fault, that they don't have to accept any responsibility, and instead it is someone else who is at fault for their condition. This idea removes the personal responsibility from the welfare recipients- likely these people had some bad luck strike them, and I feel bad- but I think that you pick your own self up by your own bootstraps and get moving. Students are being not being taught this- instead, they are taught to rely on the state.

The good thing is that during these assemblies, students’ faces assume a vacant stare- they are not interested in this stuff and so mentally shut down, or it is even possible that they are so used to this liberal slant that they shut down mentally and thereby reject it.

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