Signs of the Times

On the Detroit News online edition, here are the headlines, as they appear:

Obama vows to aid families, business
Obama faces new realities after election
Insurgents to Obama: Pull troops from Iraq
Tough decision dogs the president-elect
Home sweet White House: Obamas prepare for big move
Graham yields the ear of presidents
Obama sets tougher tone with staff picks
Obama taps Granholm, Bonior
Coalition's help gives a boost to Democrats
Ads play large role in incumbents' fall
Podesta ups liberal muscle
Labor seeks election spoils
Emanuel brings tough-guy rep
Next first family brings new style

Okay, so let's see if we can summarize what is going on in America by looking at these headlines. We can see that an Obama Presidency is expected to increase welfare, for both families and businesses. That means more money going to unproductive irresponsible part of our society. It also makes a mockery of all of the years Democrats have been wailing about tax breaks for corporations- under Obama, expect more of those, not less.

Next we can see that an Obama victory has meant new realities to face- problems. No more will there be no problems- instead, our country will now be all about problems. That's gonna be a problem for many people.

After that there is an article about how the terrorists are giving advice to Obama- I wonder if he'll take it? He doesn't have a real strong reputation of opposing terrorists and extremists.

There is a story about how Obama is going to move into the White House. It is interesting- if a Republican is all excited about moving into a rich fancy house, it is a bad thing, but for some one like Obama, it is a good thing. Who cares about moving into the White House? If I were elected President, I'd be annoyed about having to move into the White House- it is supposed to be just an office building, not a palace for our overlords to lord it up in. Oh, and look at the last story on that list- 'new style' probably costs more than $130,000- and 130K was 'too much' for the liberal media, who made fun endlessly of Palin for wearing clothes that cost that much. I guess though calling a liberal a hypocrite is too easy.

Next comes several stories about Obama's advisers. I see that he wants to make Michigan Governor Granholm a major player nationally. She turned Michigan from a good state into the worse state in the country. Under her leadership, every single facet of Michigan got worse. And now she is going to be doing that to our whole nation. I also notice that for Mr. Bipartisan-Rise-Above-Washington-Politics, most of his staff picks are the partisan Washington-insiders, and although the media uses the word 'tough', what they mean is that they are died in the wool liberal Democrats who don't compromise and fight dirty. That's what people voted for?

I like the story "Labor seeks election spoils"- can you imagine what people would think if the headline was "Oil executives seek election spoils"- as if our government, our taxpayer funded government, were a vehicle through which one group can loot another group. My tax money is not "spoils" to distribute to favored groups- or at least, it didn't used to be.

One last sign of the times on the Detroit News today is this story- "Fears of a Dem crackdown lead to boom in gun sales." It's interesting to watch the public react to an Obama Presidency- the stock market collapses, GM announces new layoffs, and gun sales go up. This is indeed a new world- but not a better one.

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