US Had Chance to Change History... in 1919

In 1919, the United States had an opportunity to stop communism before it ever took root in this world. Imagine a world where the Soviet Union would have never existed- a world where millions would not have been wiped out by the brutal dictator Stalin, where Stalin would not have encouraged Hitler, where the Soviet Union would not have aided Red China, where the Soviet Union would not have engaged in a long and expensive Cold War.

At various times in history, there is the possibility to do real change- real change for the better. All you need is good leadership and the strong will to do what is right. The US had that chance back in 1919, but sadly, we had weak leadership and a man in charge of our nation who did not do what was right.

At the close of WWI, the US landed forces at two points in Russia. The Polar Bear Expedition landed in Arkhangelsk, Russia (north Russia near Finland) with 5,000 combat troops. The AEF Siberia landed 8,000 men in Vladivostok, Russia (east Russian Siberia). Together, these two units could have helped the White Army fight the Red Army. Together, they may have played a role in weakening the Red Army, taking away popular support from it, or fighting it until the opponents of communists could regain their footing and support. If these troops were reinforced, strengthened, or helped out, just maybe the world would have been a different place years later.

Instead, US President Wilson limited the participation and scope of US involvement in Russia, and after one year, withdrew the troops. A moment passed, and without Western support, the Red Army soon defeated the White Army, and eventually time forgot that we had a chance, even if it was a long shot chance, of changing the world for the better.

Right now we have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are turning the tide, winning against all odds, fighting bad guys, and doing great things. Will they be given a chance to win, or will their mission be limited, and eventually withdrawn, and 50 years from now, we'll look back and think what might have been.

UPDATE: Check out this story by Has Von Spakovsky over at the Wall Street Journal Online. It's an amazing story about his father, who was a White Army officer serving near Arkhangelsk, who fled to Finland after the US troops pulled out. The best part is when he and his companions stop and celebrate Christmas, freezing and starving and dodging Red patrols.

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