We are 5 Days Away from Fundamentally Transforming America with an Obama Victory

According to Obama himself, we are only days away from fundamentally transforming our country. Watch him say it by clicking on this link.

Okay, so if Obama thinks electing him will fundamentally transform America, let's see what that means. First, electing him is a personal event- either he personally as dictator will transform America, or he personally will be at the center of policies that transform our country. Either way, the way that he talks again reminds me of fascism, as I wrote about here.

Next, America is a free-market democracy based on a Constitution of laws. Electing him will change that? To what? A socialist dictatorship based on personal political power? Like Kenya? And people want that? People cheer about that? Scary.

At "He's Not my President", this blogger thinks that what Obama is saying is that as President, he will abandon the US Constitution and create a new Living Constitution. That's one take, and consistent with Obama's statements on the Constitution.

Over at Sword at the Ready, the blogger reaches the conclusion that Obama is going to fundamentally transform American into "a Marxist state tyranny where Whites, Jews and Christians will be purged and misery is applied equally among the “little people” while the Elites running a politburo are enriched off of our substance." I hope that's not the case!

The conclusion that the blogger Combs reaches is a good one- "if you value the Constitution, if you value the founding (fundamental) principles of this country, if you value liberty — hold your nose and go vote for McCain."

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