Schools Find Ways to Integrate Liberal Democrat Beliefs and Obama Worship Into Curriculum

This is a shocker! I'm sure everyone read this story that appeared in the Detroit News yesterday and was very surprised to see it documented that schools were active in indoctrinating youth to support an Obama Presidency. The Detroit News should get kudos's for exposing this story. Oddly enough though, from reading the story, it doesn't appear that public-schools corrupting our children's minds is considered a bad thing or even hid that well. Huh.

Here is what the story says (excerpts)-

Autumn Gresham... (is) only 8 years old. But she paid homage to President-elect Barack Obama on Friday by painstakingly drawing dozens of red and blue hearts on a white poster surrounding his name. "This is so exciting because he's our first black president," she said, smiling broadly while seated on the floor of the Brace-Lederle Elementary School gym during an assembly for Obama Day. Autumn was asked what his presidency means to the nation. "It means love," she replied. Brace-Lederle Principal Vicki Perry... said she could not remember ever celebrating a special day for the election of a president (before Obama Day).

Are you chilled to your very bone yet?

Autumn and the entire student body gathered in the gym to hear speeches from student council leaders, listen to music and hold up their handmade signs, wave miniature flags and proudly wear hats made out of construction paper with a cut-out photo of Obama taped to the front.

Wow. Impressive. Speeches from elite leaders, followed by chanting and flag wearing, and then wearing outfits of the leaders and waving posters of the leader's pictures. Sounds like Mao, I mean Obama, is very popular in this school.

Steven Alexander II, 13, dressed in a tailored black suit and red silk necktie, said it was an honor to portray Obama. " One of my teachers recommended me for this, and it is a wonderful opportunity to be in Barack Obama's shoes," he said. Steven reflected on the world impact: "Our world will move past racism, the economy will get better, and we won't have as many problems as we had when George Bush was in office." As the younger Steven waved to them after his address, the students rose up holding their posters high and chanted, "Obama, Obama, Obama." "Yes, I did think it was possible that an African-American would one day become president," said Steven's father. "I think God brought this man here to take care of things in the years ahead."

Yup, teachers recommended that Steven dress up as Obama, and now that Obama is President, the evils of Bush will end. Listen how that kid parrots back what he was taught- no thinking, no hesitation- Steven, I'm sorry to say, has been solidly brainwashed. Oh, and I'm sure his dad isn't helping him explore critical thinking- his dad obviously buys into the the "Obama is our savior" theory. Yes, as if any of you are surprised, here is yet more evidence of the liberal bias in education.

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