Our Long Conservative Nightmare is Over

To be honest, I took the headline from this site. I like it though. The long years of conservative rule is over, and for many, this truly does mean the nightmare is over.

Years of low taxes for everyone will finally come to an end, and others can now be taxed more. Years of low regulation and incredible innovation will come to an end, and predictable controlled low growth can be again the norm. Years of low unemployment will end, but even though it will go higher, it will be unemployment for productive people too, which is what people want. Years of no terrorist attacks will finally end, and we can go back to reacting to terrorist attacks, and reclaim the moral high ground of being killed and being upset by it. Years of terrorists on the run, killed in foreign countries, will be over, and we can go back to arresting bad guys when we convict them in a court of law or give them back to their own country for more fair justice than they'd get here. Yes, the long conservative nightmare is finally over.

The nation can begin to finally shake itself out of sleep, out of the dream it has been having of a world where we are the good guy, where god watches over us, where prosperity comes to all, where many voices are heard in the media, and where education is about teaching real knowledge- yes, this nightmare can end, and we can return the real world, of China, and Russia, and Kenya, and Iran, and North Korea.

The long conservative nightmare ends, and we wake to join our bothers and sisters of the world in union and equality.

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